Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Fever

 I haven’t gotten much crafting done between the sick days and sub days lately. But we did have a few spring-like February days. Have you ever noticed how much bluer the sky is on a spring day after a good rainstorm? Everything is so fresh and crisp and clean. I love it!
The kids love it too, especially when we’re at the park:
B’s new favorite thing? Fishing. He bought his own fishing pole with his own money and loves it. Hasn’t caught a thing, but he talks about it all the time! We went to the lake a couple of weeks ago with some friends. It was beautiful and the kids had a blast!
DSCF1208                                                     Looking so serious with dad.
DSCF1191                                                            The kids listening to a fish story (Yes he was the only boy in 7 kids!)

Enjoy the weather!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are the cutest pictures! That last picture is a total flash-forward of him- don't rush off to college just yet! It goes so quickly...sigh.
    miss you all!
