Case in point:
Liss, after 13 tiresome months, decided that she was capable of sleeping through the night after all. We're on day 8 in a row. Not only that, but she has taken 2 naps every day for the last week, and decided that it was OK to be weaned after all. She's up to 3 English words: hi, out, and ball; but she seems to be fluent in Dog.
Miles, after days and days of trying and failing, just up and decided that riding a two-wheeler is no big thing, and just took off today.
I'm so torn about life right now. I had so many unfinished projects! (I'm SUCH a procrastinator!) So many places we were going to go! I hate seeing my babies grow up so fast in a week. But I know I've been called to teach and I truly believe that this job fell into my lap for a reason. God, give
That is CRAZY fast!!! You can do it though, and I'm sure everyone will adjust. Congrats on the job!
PS I recognized those little faces in the background! :)
I love Ky Ky's face - cracks me up every time I see it. This picture is on my desk at work. ;)